Programs for students range from four-weeks to a full academic year and integrate the philosophy of living English to enhance cultural and language skills in a unique way. Cultural excursions take learning outside the classroom to develop a better understanding of American cultural context.
Online| Junior Leaders Program
Learn how to confidently use English in a meaningful context and meet peers from other countries in this online program for students in
grades K–8.
GLC | Global Leadership and Communication
Develop leadership capabilities, improve your attitude toward speaking English, and build cross-cultural competence and confidence on this short-term program.
GBP | Global Business Program
Gain professional language skills and leadership training to increase global marketability on this short-term program.
LEAD | Lead, Engage, Advance and Discover
Develop global leadership, improve English language skills in a variety of academic and professional settings, and build cross-cultural competence and confidence on this semester program.