Read the handbook

When you return


  • Update your contact information in myZou.
  • Participate in International Programs activities for study abroad returnees.
  • Submit your photos to the Mizzou Abroad Photo Contest.

Reverse culture shock

As you arrive back in the U.S., you are likely to experience reverse culture shock as you readjust to life back home. Just as your host country seemed difficult and unmanageable to you a little while ago, home may seem that way to you now. Reverse culture shock is a perfectly normal reaction experienced by many who have been abroad. It could range from annoyance at not finding the food and products to which you have become accustomed to difficultly re-establishing ties with family and friends. Initially, you may feel that you no longer fit in, but, in truth, your experience has given you heightened insight, appreciation and sensitivity.

Easing your transition back to the U.S.

  • Find a more receptive audience (like the Mizzou Study Abroad staff).
  • Take advantage of opportunities to meet other study abroad alumni.
  • Participate in study abroad recruitment events.
  • Get involved with international organizations on campus.
  • Request an international roommate if you live on campus, or try to form your own “language house” to keep up your language skills.
  • Continue your foreign language studies.
  • Stay in touch with people you met abroad.
  • Subscribe to a newspaper or magazine from your host country.

Remember that return shock is temporary and you will be able to readjust to your home culture. Be patient, flexible and understanding of the events and people around you, and you will soon be reintegrated into the culture you have always known.

Individual characteristics enhanced by living in other cultures

  • Awareness of international issues and needs
  • Open mindedness
  • Independence
  • Tolerance of different viewpoints
  • Competence in another language
  • Sensitivity to differences in people and greater acceptance of diversity
  • Complex self-awareness that will help when making decisions
  • Creativity
  • Appreciation of cultural relativity

Program evaluation

You may be asked to share your experiences by completing an evaluation upon returning home. Please take a moment to share your thoughts — both the good and the bad — so International Programs can better advise future study abroad students.