Driven by an interest in language, Liza studied abroad in Nice, France and earned a minor in French and a bachelor's in English-linguistics from Truman State University. She subsequently earned a master's degree in teaching English as a second language from Northern Arizona University, where she taught in the Program in Intensive English and contributed to the assessment pack for Pearson's "Focus on Grammar" series. Afterward, she taught in intensive English programs at Al Akhawayn University in Morocco and later at Missouri State University in Springfield. For over a decade, Liza has served in multiple roles on the board of MIDTESOL and presents frequently at conferences for professional organizations like MIDTESOL, MEXTESOL and TESOL. In the classroom, she enjoys applying learning theories to design tasks that promote students' English language development. In her free time, she likes gardening, spending time with family, listening to podcasts and watching her favorite series.