Hallo fra Bergen!
By Kadie C.
Jan. 30, 2020
Hei hei! Jeg heter Kadie og kommer fra Lee’s Summit i Missouri. Nå, jeg studerer økonomi og geografi (og bittelitt norsk) på Universitet i Bergen i Norge! Hey! My name is Kadie and I am from Lee’s Summit, MO. This semester, I am studying economics and geography (and a little bit of Norwegian language and culture) on exchange at the University of Bergen in Bergen, Norway! Bergen is situated right along the western coast of Norway — a short 4,000 miles from Columbia. The city is one of the largest in Norway, contributing 40,000 people to the country’s 5.3 million total. Being situated along the western coast also makes Bergen one of the most temperate in the country as well: warm ocean breezes keep the city mostly snow-free, but rainy, during the winter, whereas essentially everywhere else in Norway will have snow until June. When I say ‘rainy’ and ‘snowy,’ though, I mean that it is RAINY and SNOWY — in Bergen it rains every single day, usually multiple times a day. Though never more than an hour at a time, these persistent showers, and the location between seven mountains, are two of the most iconic facts about the city. The geography of the city is integral in understanding the Norwegian way of life: they have a saying which states, “There is no bad weather, just bad clothing.” In the U.S. when it is raining outside, I might put off going to the grocery store for a day, or avoid walking or biking long distances and try to stay inside. In Bergen that is simply not an option because, well, it is going to rain later today, and tomorrow, and the next day, and next week as well. In Bergen, the population dons their waterproof backpacks, rain jackets, and boots (unless your umbrella is reinforced with titanium it will not survive the wind) and embrace life in accordance to mother nature. Rain or shine, dusk until dawn, you can find Norwegians outside — whether it be walking to work, riding bicycles or hiking mountains, the city is constantly buzzing with activity and there is always something to explore. My favorite adventures so far have been the hikes that I have been on, particularly to nearby Askøy and to the top of Ulrikken, Bergen’s tallest mountain. The views in the city are pretty spectacular as well, but I will save those for next month. Har det bra!
About the blogger
Kadie C. is studying abroad on the Universitetet i Bergen exchange program in Bergen, Norway.