For families

Study abroad can be the most life-changing and inspiring experience your student will have during their time at Mizzou. We appreciate your support and encouragement throughout their educational journey.

Why study abroad

The impact of study abroad is immeasurable. Here are just a few of the benefits:

  • Gain new perspectives on academics through experiential learning.
  • Obtain skills for the global workforce.
  • Increase maturity, self-confidence, independence and adaptability.
  • Accelerate time to degree completion.
  • More likely to be accepted to first choice graduate program or find a job after graduation.

Five ways to support your student

  1. Encourage your student to start planning early — the earlier, the better!
  2. Talk with your student about their ideas, goals and expectations for their international experience.
  3. Empower your student to take the lead and manage their international experience independently.
  4. Set up a communication plan with your student that addresses when and how often to be in contact while they are abroad.
  5. Learn about cultural adjustment so you can help your student process their experience while abroad and after returning home.


The following resources may provide helpful information when communicating with your student about their plans to go abroad.

FERPA and study abroad

In compliance with FERPA, we cannot discuss various aspects of your student’s participation in study abroad. We will communicate directly with your student and consider it their responsibility to keep you informed. In the event of an emergency affecting the health or safety of your student, we may disclose relevant information.