Eligibility requirements

General guidelines

Study abroad applicants must be in good academic standing and have been fully enrolled for at least one semester at MU. A 2.75 GPA is the general requirement for most programs, and a 3.0 is required for exchange programs, though this may vary.

Language proficiency

Many programs offer courses taught in English, even in non-English speaking countries.

If the primary language of instruction for a program is not English, you must have reached the required level of proficiency necessary to participate. Check the individual program requirements for any language prerequisites.

Academic adviser and dean approval

You are required to obtain approval from your academic department and dean’s office. Some MU schools/colleges have specific policies regarding eligibility for study abroad and credit transfer. It is your responsibility to be aware of these policies.

Things to keep in mind

MU students study abroad in their freshmen, sophomore, junior and senior years. The ideal timing will depend on your degree program, so talk to your academic adviser as soon as you know you’re interested in study abroad. You’ll want to begin researching programs at least one semester before the deadline — or even earlier if you have a highly sequenced major. With advanced planning, study abroad can actually accelerate your degree program.

Programs are available for students in any major. You should work with your academic and study abroad advisers to find a program that best meets your needs. If you aren’t enrolling directly in MU courses while abroad, you will complete a course proposal as part of your application that helps you determine how courses you take abroad will transfer back to MU and fit into your degree program.

MU offers programs in more than 50 countries. Interested in studying Spanish? Spain is one possible destination, but don’t forget about countries in Central and South America. And don’t let language be a barrier — many programs offer courses taught in English, even in non-English speaking countries.