Exploring Seoul Zoo!
By Sydney M.
April 28, 2021
Midterms are finally over, and I thought I deserved a break, so I did what I promised my aunt I would do. I explored the Seoul Zoo! I have only been to one zoo before this, the zoo near my home in St. Louis. I was expecting a very similar experience, but I was wrong.

Starting off our zoo adventure, we were taken high up on a skylift. Even though I enjoyed the zoo, I must say that peacefully sitting up high and soaring above the entire park was definitely my favorite part!

The park was very beautiful and VERY big, but not as much English as we are used to, so this caused us a few problems. Navigating was a bit harder than usual, but I remember one moment in particular. Vlad and I were walking and we came across a path with yellow words written on the ground. We didn’t think anything of it at first and just kept walking. We saw two cats with food and water and said hi to them. As we were walking down this path, we started to feel like we weren’t supposed to be there, but still weren’t completely sure. It wasn’t until we got a rather intimate look at the llamas, being gated in with them, that we realized we were in an employee area. We ran as fast as we could to get back to where we came, and sure enough when I translated the yellow words I saw before, they roughly meant “DO NOT ENTER.”
Other than that we looked at all of the animals we could. All indoor exhibits were closed due to COVID, which was almost half of the animals, but we enjoyed ourselves anyway!