Traveling while traveling
By Maddie R.
March 15, 2023
This month, I had my school’s spring break — early, I know! I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to visit Nice, France; Madrid, Spain; Sevilla, Spain; and Lisbon, Portugal…in nine days. That breaks down to about two or three days in each location since I only spent about 12–15 hours in Madrid.

That’s A LOT of traveling — trains, planes, buses, metros, taxis and Uber. While I loved every second of these locations, I was undeniably exhausted when I made it home to Rome.

Throughout the trip, I came to two realizations. First, I suddenly associated Rome with comfort, safety and rest — home. This is such an out-of-body experience to have, even though I have been living in Rome for about two months at this point. Visiting France, Spain and Portugal was unreal, but by the time my trip was winding down, I also felt excited to get back to Rome. This was not only because I craved a familiar bed (and I was tired of re-wearing my clothes), but also because I felt ready to see Rome through new eyes again. I was and still am looking forward to searching for new restaurants, types of food, excursions and museums to experience in Rome.

So, I guess this first realization has a second piece: I recognized the complacency I had fallen into before my spring break came around. This isn’t always necessarily a bad thing, but for me, I had inexplicably come to think of Rome as the “old,” when in reality, every day there is still something new for me to find. This first realization will help steer my mindset for my final two months.

Second, I realized how important it is to explore the city and country you’re based in — you chose it for a reason. This is connected to my first realization that I still have so much to look forward to in Rome. So, I guess I realized it’s okay to spend more time in your host country. You don’t need to go to 12 different countries in four months (but you totally can if you want to).

This month, I also spent two weekends in Italy — one hanging out with my roommates and one on a day trip to a nearby beach in Anzio, Italy. Both weekends were lovely and relaxing, and I feel very glad that I took those days to stay in Italy and bask in my choice of study abroad host country.
I guess what I’m saying is: it’s not necessary to do more traveling while you’re studying abroad. Study abroad itself is already traveling. I think there’s something to be said for taking both routes, but I encourage anyone who chooses to study abroad to consider both options —going somewhere new every weekend or remaining in your host country most of the time — because I know there is a happy balance for everyone.
Learn more about this blogger’s study abroad program: John Cabot University