Now a memory

By Kyleigh S.

June 22, 2023

Crazy to think five months ago, I arrived in Sevilla. As I look back at the past five months, I cannot help but point out how fast time flies. I feel like I just arrived in the land of late night, tapas, sobremesas (conversations after dinner), and much more. I spent the past five months trying my hardest to become accustomed to a new way of life. The past five months of wandering and getting lost to learn the city better. When I feel comfortable in myself and the city, it is time to go. I have realized that is what study abroad is. You are left hanging on to the edge of your seat, eager for your next journey back. Enthusiastic to discover more of the world. Eager to potentially move and become entirely comfortable and adapted to a city and the differences it may bring. I also cannot help but feel sad because I have dreamt of studying abroad since I was young- probably elementary. I remember my mom’s best friend’s daughter studying abroad when I was a child. I marveled at her adventures and stories from her time abroad. I knew I wanted to do the same. So now, the moment I have waited for my entire life is just a memory. One that will forever continue to inspire, influence, and encourage me. A memory that will only continue to grow as I go on with life. I hope my stories and adventures inspire another little girl to take on the world one flight, train and step at a time. So Sevilla, it is not an “Adios” only a ¡Hasta Luego!

Learn more about this blogger’s study abroad program: CEA: Advanced Spanish Language and Culture in Seville