
By Ximena R.

Oct. 14, 2023

The semester is divided into two parts at Florence University of the Arts: the first half is a three week session (I had two classes: a sketching in Florence class and a photography class) and the second half is a 12 week session. My first half of the semester I had struggled having class all day every day and I was very tired. I really needed the one week break after completing the courses. Both courses challenged me and pushed my limits and made me increase my skills, especially in my photography course. I struggled a lot in my photography course because I could not seem to understand the assignment that the professor had given us two weeks to complete. However, after the professor had pushed me to get closer to the subject (tourists in public) I was able to decide between my fears: failing the class or talking to strangers. Because of this I was forced to go up to strangers to take their images in Florence. Although a scary experience for me, it was really rewarding to present my finished product. It was never that the professor had not believed in me, but he knew that I could do something better. Because my photography class is classified as experiential learning (hands on learning) I am able to continue with my professor until the end of the semester on a 12 week long project.

Here is Cinque Terre, where I have dreamed of going for a long time.

At first I was worried, because although I love the arts, I do not view myself as a creative. I brought this concern up to my professor and he told me that creativity is just problem solving and that really changed how I see creativity because problem solving is easier for me than being “creative.” I am excited to see what I come up with at the end of the semester because I really have never been pushed this much in my art. It is very difficult but no doubt the results are worth it.

Here is a one day art exhibit in the plaza, about how littering is a crime scene.

My drawing class was very fun. Our professor took us all over Florence to spots that are not so touristy. Now I know where to go when I want to see a garden or study, or even revisit my sketching days. She was extremely sweet and kind to us, while still giving us valid critiques. At the end of class one day, she revealed to us that it had been her birthday. My classmates and I pitched in on a gift for her to give the next day. She was extremely appreciative of it, and said that it was not common for students to interact with professors as such. We were all really glad to have made her feel important, because she is to us!

The Leaning Tower of Pisa on a beautiful Italian day.

I was lucky enough to be able to travel to Pisa and Cinque Terre. I went to Pisa as a day trip with my friend from my photography class. She studies photography in New York and is really inspired by David Hockney’s photography style which he produced joiners. Images made from other images put together. Cinque Terre was truly a dream come true for me, its part of the reason that I wanted to come to Italy. I had first seen Cinque Terre on my HP laptop Lock Screen, and I was amazed at how beautiful a location could be. I felt extremely fulfilled and complete.

One day there was a parade going around Florence and everyone was dressed in medieval clothing. Very interesting and fun to watch.

I have still been struggling with connecting with those around me, and I continue to feel a little lonely and homesick. I have been making an effort to learn the Italian language while here through duolingo, YouTube, and watching tv and movies in Italian. I am grateful to be able to speak Spanish as well because it helps with understanding Italian sentence structure and pronunciation. But I am still able to interact with locals around me, but I do miss out on humor. An older lady on the bus tried to tell me a joke the other day but I was able to tell her (in Italian) that I only speak English and Spanish. She tried to retell me the joke in Spanish but didn’t have the vocabulary. I have also been able to find Mexican food in Florence, along with some imported ingredients that I use to make food at home. My favorite restaurant in Florence is Za Za, they have the best truffle dishes.

Learn more about this blogger’s study abroad program: Florence University of the Arts