Geological sciences

Studying geological sciences abroad offers you an opportunity to explore new regions of the planet and expand your understanding of culturally diverse perceptions of the Earth. Whether its paleontology and life in extreme environments, volcanoes and plate tectonics, or mineral, water and fuel resources, studying abroad will allow you to see our diverse planet firsthand. You will also experience a new culture and its environment while broadening your geology knowledge and skills.

Recommended programs

University of Nicosia

Spend four weeks studying in one of the most geologically interesting countries in the world on UNIC’s Summer in Cyprus: Geology program. Explore the unique geological formations of Cyprus, including one of the best-known ophiolite formations in the world — the Troodos Massif. Enroll in Geology of Cyprus and Eastern Mediterranean (transfers to MU as a 3000-level geology elective for BA or BS) plus an elective course for a total of six credits.

DIS: Environmental Science of the Artic

Gain the first-hand knowledge needed to debate one of the most controversial and critical global topics of our time. Explore climate change theory through the lens of scientific climate history in the Arctic. See for yourself, alongside expert scientists in the field on your study tours, what is currently being researched in the changes occurring within the glaciers of Iceland, the Greenland ice sheet or the tundra of Arctic Norway.

DIS: Summer Courses

Explore the important role of glaciers and ice sheets in Denmark this summer. In the Climate Change and Glaciers course, you’ll study the past, present and future behavior of glaciers and their role in the climate system. This three-credit course (transfers to MU as a 3000-level geology elective for BA or BS) also includes a summer study tour in Iceland.

Global Internships

Spend your summer interning abroad while earning academic credit. No foreign language skills required, but four or more semesters is encouraged for Berlin and Santiago. Eight-week placements available for all majors. Some past placement examples in recommended locations include:

  • Berlin
    • An environmental studies research center that develops solutions for water, air and soil without chemicals.
    • A company that provides advice and research on long-term, global issues such as climate change.
    • An environmental and nature conservation association.
  • London
    • An organization that looks after one of the world’s premier rivers and provides a framework for sustainable management of the Thames river.
    • Organizations in the International Green Energy and Green technology sector.
  • Santiago
    • A global power company based in Santiago that is focused on energy and natural gas industries.
    • An organization that works to develop sustainable, affordable and resourceful energy to the Chilean people.
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