Staff directory


Headshot of Kristen Colbrecht

Kristen Colbrecht

Director of international student and scholar services

Headshot of Kristen Carranza

Kristen Carranza

International student coordinator

Advising area:

J-1 students; F-1 students (last/family names starting with A)

Headshot of Daniel Rodriguez

Daniel Rodriguez

International student adviser

Advising area:

F-1 students (last/family names starting with B–I)

Headshot of Katie Alexander

Katie Humphrey

International student adviser

Advising area:

F-1 students (last/family names starting with J–P)

Headshot of Mo Whitley

Morrell Whitley

International student adviser

Advising area:

F-1 students (last/family names starting with Q–Z)

Headshot of Jillian Collins

Jillian Collins

Director of sponsored student programs

Advising area:

F-1/J-1 sponsored students

Headshot of Kim Adams

Kim Adams

International sponsored student adviser

Advising area:

F-1/J-1 sponsored students

Headshot of Olga Allred.

Olga Allred

International scholar coordinator

Advising area:

J-1/H-1B/TN scholars

Headshot of Matt Lane

Matt Lane

International scholar adviser

Advising area:

H-1B/TN scholars

Headshot of Ginger Soumokil

Ginger Soumokil

International scholar adviser

Advising area:

J-1 scholars


Chris Huh

SEVIS compliance coordinator

Headshot of Paula Sun

Paula Sun

SEVIS compliance specialist