Programs seek host families for international sponsored students coming to MU

May 13, 2020

The University of Missouri has been selected as a host institution for two Department of State-funded sponsored student programs for the 2020/21 academic year: Cultural Vistas’ Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange for Young Professionals Program (CBYX) and Eurasia Foundations’ Year of Exchange in America for Russians Program (YEAR). Both programs are seeking host family placements for grantees during their studies at MU.

YEAR Program

Program description: This is a fully funded, yearlong exchange program that provides a unique opportunity for Russian students to study at American universities and community colleges, learn about American culture and values, and strengthen their academic knowledge, leadership and English language skills. The program is funded by the U.S. Embassy in Russia and covers all participants’ expenses, including visa and airfare costs, tuition and fees, room and board, health insurance, a monthly stipend and a book allowance.

Duration: Fall 2020 and spring 2021

Host family information: The YEAR program grantees arrive in the U.S. in August and depart in May. Interested host families ideally would host grantees for a minimum of one semester and have the opportunity to host for the entire 10-month period. The Council on International Educational Exchange partners serves as the host family placement coordinator and has a local contact available to assist you with any questions you might have. Review the host family details in the links below and attached to this message. Should you have any additional questions, contact the CIEE local coordinators for Mid-Missouri:

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CBYX Program

Program description: CBYX is a reciprocal scholarship program funded by the U.S. Congress and German Parliament (Bundestag). Now entering its 37th year, the program annually brings 75 German young professionals between the ages of 18-24 to the United States, and sends 75 college-aged Americans to Germany. Each fellow lives with a host, studies at a local college and completes a six-month paid internship in their career field.

Program duration: Spring 2021 only

Host family information: CBYX grantees will arrive at their host placements in January and will depart in May. Ideally, interested families would host grantees for the entire spring 2021 semester. Details about host family requirements can be found on Cultural Vistas’ website. For questions about the placement process, contact:

Additional information:

If you have questions, please contact Jillian Collins, director of sponsored student programs.