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Study Abroad Blog, Page 48


By Andrea H.

Published March 8, 2016

For the past three days, I have immersed myself in an entirely different culture. I had the privilege of participating in the 30th International Noho Marae weekend. I stood next to other international students as we were welcomed by the Maori people to share their space and culture, and to become a part of their…

Snow in Manchester

By Muhamedali K.

Published March 7, 2016

As someone who loves snow, I have been having withdrawals here in Manchester. As I have said many times before, it is great here in the U.K., and Manchester specifically, but we have had quite a gray winter up until now. I suppose even Manchester got tired of the rain, because we woke up to…


By Austin G.

Published March 2, 2016

I am writing this post after my first successful attempt to do laundry here in France. An experience I will surely laugh at later, but caused a fair deal of frustration initially. My problems partially stemmed from the language barrier of comprehending simple directions, but mostly from my general lack of knowledge of doing laundry.…

“Spring training” in Rio de Janeiro

By David L.

Published Feb. 29, 2016

In baseball, spring training is the period before the Major League Baseball season begins where the teams practice together after the off-season break and play scrimmage games against on another. In a way, the last month and a half has felt like my own personal "spring training." I arrived in Rio de Janeiro on Jan.…

A weekend in London

By Valerie S.

Published Feb. 26, 2016

On Wednesday, I went to my riding lesson again and it was fantastic. I rode an amazing horse named Charlie and we did a lot of flat work and then got to ride bareback. I hope to build a lot of confidence while riding here. It's also nice to be able to hang out with…

Day 24 in Alicante

By Kelly D.

Published Feb. 11, 2016

After being in Spain for three weeks, I think I can now safely say what I like better about it and what is better in the States without having judged too quickly. I like... How most people speak more than one language. For example, my Spanish sister is learning five languages right now in school…

My Spanish teachers lied to me

By Brianna D.

Published Feb. 8, 2016

¡Buenas! I have to warn you that today's post is written a tad out of frustration because in the 25 days that I've lived in Spain, I have discovered that my high school and college Spanish teachers have done me wrong. OK, that was a little dramatic. I'm not saying that they totally taught me…

Arrival in Vienna, Austria

By Nicholas F.

Published Feb. 2, 2016

Austria, not to be confused with Australia, is a small country in Europe that's called home by roughly 8 million people and, now, after months of waiting, I can include myself in that count. In this blog entry, there's a lot I could talk about. So to keep this from becoming a biography of sorts,…

Everyday Alicante

By Olivia B.

Published Feb. 1, 2016

Life in Alicante has been nothing short of amazing. I was chatting with my good friend Bri this morning and we were shocked how we have been here in Alicante for three weeks already! How is that even possible? I can't believe how fast the time is flying by. The other day, I spent the…

A new year… and exams

By Muhamedali K.

Published Jan. 25, 2016

In case in hasn't been clear from my posts, I've fallen pretty heard for the U.K. and almost everything about it, but if I had one issue it would be that they take exams after break. It's not a terrible way of doing things, but it is on your mind for the last half of…