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Study Abroad Blog

A month in Siena

By Mia K.

Published July 12, 2024

My month thus far in Siena, Italy has been nothing short of incredible. It was such a short time spent here and because of that, I made sure to say yes to everything and truly immerse myself in the culture around me. Immediately upon arriving, I was in a state of culture shock. I have…

A cultural lesson in German lessons

By Nora P.

Published July 11, 2024

I spent the past year immersing myself in German media and language in the hopes of eventually studying abroad there. However, after going so deep into 70s and 80s media, I had no idea what to expect from a modern Germany until I recently traveled there. I spent a week in Berlin and the following…

See ya later, Slater

By Brea W.

Published July 10, 2024

Goodbyes are never easy but when you fall in love with a place that is 22 hours away it's impossible. I’ve come to terms with the fact that leaving Australia is a necessity because I’m a senior graduating in May. Thankfully for me, I won’t have to say goodbye, I will say see you later.…

So long, Sydney

By Arden S.

Published July 9, 2024

My time in Australia unfortunately has come to an end. After taking my last final, I lived in denial for a while over the fact that I would be flying home in just three short weeks. This semester has been jam-packed with amazing food, beautiful sights, spending time in tropical Queensland, and lots of goodbyes.…

My French host mom and la bête à bon Dieu

By Lorinn W.

Published July 6, 2024

I spent my program in Antibes, a beautiful little city in the French Riviera, not even 20 miles from Nice. I lived here with a host mom, Nicole, and her dog, Paco. She was incredibly welcoming and made her house my home for the month I was staying with her. She spoke no English, so…

Goodbye to Korea

By Joshua S.

Published July 3, 2024

I’m writing this in Korea at 00:30, June 30. I’m not going to lie, I completely forgot about writing my last blog for June. I just got off the plane from visiting Jeju island. On this rainy day with a side of a thunderstorm, the plane ride back to Daegu was rocky but I made…

Exploring Europe

By Logan B.

Published June 26, 2024

April, my last full month in Scotland, was my most eventful month by far. Not only did I have final projects and exams to prepare for, but I had multiple trips coming up that I had planned before realizing how busy I would be. I began the month working day and night to make progress…

IES Abroad London internship

By Zoey H.

Published June 26, 2024

One month ago, I embarked on my first trip out of America. Destination: London, England. I planned to complete a two-month internship with IES Abroad and Centre 404, a charity supporting people with autism and learning disabilities. So far, the highlights of my study abroad experience have been my internship and exploring the city!…

Two weeks in Europe

By LeXaibriar B.

Published June 26, 2024

One thing that I have always wanted to do was study abroad, so when I went to college, I made it my mission to make it happen. I attended the meetings, looked at the programs and talked to the leaders but there were no programs that I felt like were for me. When I enrolled…

Finding Sydney

By Brea W.

Published June 10, 2024

If you had told my five-year-old self that I would be living out my Finding Nemo fantasy as a 21-year-old college student, I would have jumped up and down and asked how I ended up in Sydney. When I applied to study abroad I was stuck between two cities one of which was London and…