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From the Bronze Age to the Byzantine Empire

By Allison H.

Published Aug. 25, 2023

Hello Mizzou! My name is Allison, and I am a senior majoring in Biochemistry. I have been studying Ancient Mediterranean Studies throughout my time at Mizzou, and I am going to be returning to complete this degree. Throughout May and June, I spent four weeks traveling around Greece as a student in AMS 4100: From…

Learning, experience, studying abroad

By Sylvie S.

Published July 6, 2023

As I am coming to the end of my study abroad trip in Greece, I have been reflecting on my experience. This trip has exceeded my expectations, both professionally and personally. I will never forget the excitement I had upon visiting the Acropolis of Ancient Athens on the first day of my trip. As an…

Takeaways from Greece

By Hollie A.

Published June 16, 2023

My recent two-week trip to Greece was full of experiences I will not soon forget. Most of my stay was in Athens and this is where I was able to experience Greek culture to the fullest. While walking around the city, it was typical to be invited into restaurants, with hosts sharing menus and many…

The Norwegian experience part 3: Travel and reflection

By Nate B.

Published May 3, 2022

Since my last post, I have traveled to Denmark, Sweden, Greece and Italy. Many of these places I have only seen in pictures, movies and TV, and prior to this semester, did not know if I would ever have the chance to visit. As a result of canceled classes, I found myself with a four-day…

The wanderlust effect

By Anne C.

Published April 1, 2022

Ciao, Hola, Bonjour, Chairete, Hello! A combination of all the greetings I have used since my last blog post! Over the last few weeks, I’ve visited new countries and old friends, and learned about so many exciting cultures. My roommate Ali and I traveled to Milan, Naples and Capri during one of our first weekends…

A typical day at my internship

By Sydney J.

Published July 22, 2020

I have been in Greece for a little over a month now, and much of my time is spent at my internship. I am currently interning at a non-profit organization for refugee women and children called AMURTEL. This is an organization run by women for women. In this post, I wanted to discuss my typical…