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Spain, Page 3

September recap – Madrid, Spain

By Aidan R.

Published Oct. 3, 2023 La Sagrada Familia – Barcelona Wow! That is the only reaction I can muster to describe the events of my first month studying abroad in Madrid. When I began my study abroad journey, I was told to have realistic expectations; but I found myself asking, what does realistic mean? Am I going to develop…

My time in Oviedo and Madrid

By Claire S.

Published Sept. 21, 2023

I spent a month learning Spanish in Oviedo, Spain and it was a life-changing experience. Oviedo is a gorgeous little city that boasts great food, kind people and some amazing sites. I attended classes at the University of Oviedo that helped hone both my Spanish grammar and communication skills. My homestay was also a great…

Dear Barcelona

By Emma V.

Published Sept. 14, 2023

Dear Barcelona, As I sit here, contemplating the bittersweet goodbye that awaits me, I can't help but reflect on the person I have become during my time in your vibrant and enchanting city. Barcelona, you have been the catalyst for my transformation, and I wake up every day loving the version of myself that I…

An experience of a lifetime

By Andrew P.

Published Sept. 5, 2023

As my four weeks in Spain are coming to an end, there are a few things I would like to talk about. First off, do it! If there’s a slight thought of wanting to study abroad... GO! This experience will change your life and change your perspective on lots of things. Going into the program,…

A college student’s guide to studying abroad in Barcelona, Spain

By Mohamed O.

Published July 26, 2023

Hello there, travelers and fellow students! Are you prepared to start a trip that will change your life? Imagine getting significant academic experiences while studying in an exciting city and seeing an array of cultures. I'll give you an online perspective of Barcelona, Spain if you're thinking about going overseas to study as an undergraduate.…

A new perspective

By Sydney L.

Published July 25, 2023

“Things are not always this great. Tonight, we’re out to celebrate you, but if you weren’t here, we’d be at home. This is not how we always live, and things are not always better somewhere else.” Those are the words my Spanish host mother said to me at diner over a year ago. After a…

La mejor Plaza Mayor

By Rianna E.

Published July 24, 2023

¡Buenas! Chances are you’re reading this because you’re hoping to study abroad one day or you’ve just returned and are looking for study-abroad-blog inspiration. Either way, keep reading to know all about my month studying abroad in Salamanca, Spain and learn about some amazing places! Casually posing on the windowsill of…

Now a memory

By Kyleigh S.

Published June 22, 2023

Crazy to think five months ago, I arrived in Sevilla. As I look back at the past five months, I cannot help but point out how fast time flies. I feel like I just arrived in the land of late night, tapas, sobremesas (conversations after dinner), and much more. I spent the past five months…

Anxiety Abroad

By Emma V.

Published June 22, 2023

For a whole month leading up to my Study Abroad trip in Barcelona, Spain, I suffered from severe anxiety. As someone who struggles with anxiety to begin with, the nerves of traveling abroad entirely alone only intensified the feeling. The trip that was only one month away, quickly turned into one week, then one day,…

Last month in Alicante

By Leslie C.

Published June 14, 2023

With nostalgia for a country that I am only just now exiting, I write this blog from a bus heading into France after living in Spain for five months. Now that I’ve completed the formal ‘studying’ component of my abroad experience, I have many words to describe how I felt at various times: challenged, elated,…