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All Insights, Page 23

MU Center for English Language Learning now a member of UCIEP

Published Oct. 27, 2016

The University of Missouri Center for English Language Learning has been accepted as a member of the prestigious Consortium of University and College Intensive English Programs. UCIEP was founded in 1967 and currently has 79 member programs located in 32 states and the District of Columbia. Membership is limited to university- and college-governed English language…


Oct. 11, 2016

Iraqi English language instructors from Southern Technical University participate in CELL Professional Development Program

CELL hosted four English language instructors from Southern Technical University of Basra, Iraq.


July 24, 2016

Maeva Boko, former IEP student, wins MIDTESOL essay award

MIDTESOL, the Mid-American Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages association, honored former IEP student Maeva Boko with the Best ESL Student Essay award for her essay on creativity. She wrote the essay in IEP instructor Mary Browning's level 5 reading-writing class in spring 2016. Congratulations, Maeva! A copy of the winning essay can…