Mizzou Abroad Photo Contest 2021 winners

Nov. 16, 2021

Mizzou Study Abroad is pleased to announce the winners of the 2021 Mizzou Abroad Photo Contest. Congratulations to all our winners and thank you to everyone who submitted photos to this year’s contest!

Global Classroom

The Statue of Brothers
Photo taken by Sydney Mitchell in Seoul, South Korea
A statue of two soldiers embracing sits atop a small domed structure surrounded by a railing, brick walkway and gardens.



On the Edge of the World
Taken by Andrew Moore in Monteverde, Costa Rica
A person stands on a rock in the distance, with lush green vegetation all around and rolling mountains beyond.



European Herring Gull
Taken by Zhengyang Li in Mallaig, Scotland
A close-up photo of a white and gray herring gull purchasing on a rock with the gray ocean waves in the background.


Tigers Abroad

Sunrise at Seongsan
Taken by Ari Engle in Jeju Island, South Korea
A person with short hair wearing a black dress is seen from behind, walking along a black volcanic sand beach at the edge of the ocean as the sunrise glows orange on the horizon.


People’s Choice

Selected from the 12 finalists by voters on Instagram.

Summer Wedding in the Mountains
Taken by Maddie Meyers in Covadonga, Spain
A wedding party gathers near a vintage car in front of an old stone cathedral with mountains and blue sky in the background.

View all finalists