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Spain, Page 6

Daily routine

By Laura F.

Published March 23, 2022

The already short month of February seemed to fly by this semester, as I have been sinking deeper into my daily Spanish life. I have slowly built a quiet routine for myself; I have been content in building healthy habits while studying at the university. A daily routine, while seemingly simple, is incredibly important for…

Barcelona’s cultural differences

By Haedyn K.

Published March 11, 2022

I am now completing my second month in Barcelona! Time has really flown by, and I have been having a lot of exciting new experiences. I have also been able to travel to a few other countries in Europe, which has been exciting and eye-opening! During my time so far I have noticed many cultural…

Intercultural connections

By Laura F.

Published Feb. 25, 2022

The beginning of February marked my first full month abroad in Alicante, Spain. And genuinely, I do not think these photos and small paragraphs will be able to capture the raw beauty and life-changing experiences my time here has already brought me. The first photo I’ve included…

Adjusting to life in Spain

By Claire L.

Published Feb. 19, 2022

There is no amount of research that could have prepared me for what daily life has been like in Spain. After four weeks of study abroad I have had many exciting adventures, but some of the most memorable experiences have come from learning more about everyday life, the language and the culture here in Spain.…

Navigating a new city

By Haedyn K.

Published Feb. 8, 2022

Hi, my name is Haedyn! I am a student at the University of Missouri, and I am studying with IES Abroad. I am spending the semester in Barcelona, Spain. Barcelona is an exciting and vibrant city to live in at a young age. There is an endless list of places to go and activities to…

Until next time, Madrid!

By Noelia I.

Published Jan. 3, 2022

I have been home for a few days now and it has taken me a bit to adjust back to this lifestyle I had before Madrid. The past four months sadly flew by. They were unforgettable and almost felt unreal. I am grateful for the memories, friendships and lessons I learned while my time abroad.…

Wrapping up my stay

By David S.

Published Dec. 15, 2021

This past month, my girlfriend and some family came to visit me while abroad. We all met up in Madrid and got to visit the Reina Sofia and the Prado, two of Spain's most famous museums, with my art history class. It was really cool getting to see some of the most famous pieces by…

The reality of “study” in study abroad

By Noelia I.

Published Dec. 1, 2021

When you're studying abroad, many students get caught up in the excitement of traveling and socializing and find it difficult to balance it all with school. It is important to remember we are still aiming to achieve an education while abroad. This semester in Madrid I am taking four classes, two of them through the…

Traveling throughout Spain

By David S.

Published Nov. 12, 2021

I have now been studying abroad in Alicante for seven weeks, and time feels like it's flying by. With my program, I got to travel to Valencia for a day. We visited the Valencia Cathedral, a museum of abstract art, the central market and the Ciudad de Artes y Ciencias. We even got to see…

Halfway point

By Jessica B.

Published Nov. 10, 2021

Some psychologists say that the reasoning behind why time seems to move slower during childhood than adulthood is novelty. When you are a kid, everything is so new to you that your brain takes longer to process your surroundings, resulting in time being perceived more slowly. I suspect that this same reasoning is why, although…