Navigating a new city
By Haedyn K.
Published Feb. 8, 2022
Hi, my name is Haedyn! I am a student at the University of Missouri, and I am studying with IES Abroad. I am spending the semester in Barcelona, Spain. Barcelona is an exciting and vibrant city to live in at a young age. There is an endless list of places to go and activities to…
Until next time, Madrid!
By Noelia I.
Published Jan. 3, 2022
I have been home for a few days now and it has taken me a bit to adjust back to this lifestyle I had before Madrid. The past four months sadly flew by. They were unforgettable and almost felt unreal. I am grateful for the memories, friendships and lessons I learned while my time abroad.…
Wrapping up my stay
By David S.
Published Dec. 15, 2021
This past month, my girlfriend and some family came to visit me while abroad. We all met up in Madrid and got to visit the Reina Sofia and the Prado, two of Spain's most famous museums, with my art history class. It was really cool getting to see some of the most famous pieces by…
The reality of “study” in study abroad
By Noelia I.
Published Dec. 1, 2021
When you're studying abroad, many students get caught up in the excitement of traveling and socializing and find it difficult to balance it all with school. It is important to remember we are still aiming to achieve an education while abroad. This semester in Madrid I am taking four classes, two of them through the…
Traveling throughout Spain
By David S.
Published Nov. 12, 2021
I have now been studying abroad in Alicante for seven weeks, and time feels like it's flying by. With my program, I got to travel to Valencia for a day. We visited the Valencia Cathedral, a museum of abstract art, the central market and the Ciudad de Artes y Ciencias. We even got to see…
Halfway point
By Jessica B.
Published Nov. 10, 2021
Some psychologists say that the reasoning behind why time seems to move slower during childhood than adulthood is novelty. When you are a kid, everything is so new to you that your brain takes longer to process your surroundings, resulting in time being perceived more slowly. I suspect that this same reasoning is why, although…
Aventuras en España
By Noelia I.
Published Oct. 27, 2021
Two months have gone by, and I am halfway through my time here in Madrid. Crazy how time flies, but I am enjoying every second of it. It has been a month since my last update, and A LOT has happened and changed (except the fact that I still love Spain!). …
Arriving in Alicante
By David S.
Published Oct. 11, 2021
Arriving in Alicante filled me with excitement. To get to the hotel I would initially be staying at, I took a bus from the airport that provided me with a free mini-tour of the city. The European architecture, sand-lined beach, immense shopping district, mountainous terrain, every last detail left me in awe. The idea that…
Bienvenidos a Alicante
By Jessica B.
Published Oct. 8, 2021
I have now been in Alicante, Spain, for two weeks but it already feels like I've been here for months. Over the course of just 14 days, I have met friends from all over the world, moved in with a host family and celebrated my 22nd birthday in a new city. My Spanish has improved…
Experiencing a new world
By Kear'A B.
Published Oct. 3, 2021
When I first had the opportunity to travel to Spain, I was excited. With COVID playing a factor, I was careful not to get my hopes too high as life was very uncertain. However, the closer I got to July, the more it seemed like it was really happening. Before I knew it, I was…